Copernicus OceanHack is funded by the EU’s Copernicus Programme and has been organised through a partnership of EUMETSAT, the Copernicus Marine Environment Service, and the Estonian Environment Agency.
The event is a one-of-a-kind gathering of data scientists, web/app developers, UX and UI designers, visionaries/space enthusiasts, marketing wizards and business developers, project managers and field experts to create solutions to
problems that currently affect the Baltic Sea, and beyond to help people in their daily lives in this beautiful region.
To support your idea generation and team formation, we're welcoming teams and individuals to work on pre-formed challenges, data and business model canva.
All the info, challenges and mentors are HERE.
Why should you join the Copernicus #Oceanhack pre-event?
OceanHack is for ready made teams with ideas! This means, there will be no idea pitching and team formation at the actual hackathon. If you don’t have a team with an idea, then this pre-event IS THE PLACE TO BE to work with the marine data, pre-formed challenges and create solutions to problems that currently affect the Baltic Sea.
Who are we looking for?
- Web/app developers, field experts, UX/UI designers, data scientists, visionaries/space enthusiasts and marketeers/business developers/project managers
- INDIVIDUALS, who want to find a team and an idea
- INDIVIDUALS, who have an idea and want to get a team around the idea
- TEAMS, who want to find an idea
- TEAMS, who want to polish their idea during the pre-event
- TEAMS, who want to find additional team members
Transport will be covered en route Vilnius-Riga-Tartu-Tallinn participant bus and ferry tickets from Helsinki to Tallinn.
To sign up for the Copernicus #Oceanhack bus, register here:
Accommodation is provided!BACKGROUND
The Baltic Sea region is home to more than 85 million people (of whom 15 million live on the coast) and is one of the most intensively used seas on the planet. Whether it is shipping, fishing, energy cables and pipelines, or tourism and recreation, all these activities have an impact on the unique Baltic Sea region.
Your challenge is to create solutions to problems that currently affect the Baltic Sea, and beyond, and help people in their daily lives in this beautiful region. To solve this challenge you are encouraged to use the wealth of newly-available Copernicus marine data which is all open access and ready for you to use.
Various approaches are welcome: create new solutions or add ocean-smart features to existing solutions. Propose innovative data visualisations for academic purposes or for raising awareness around the Baltic Sea environment and beyond. Mobile, web apps, platforms - it’s your call! We would particularly welcome imaginative projects using artificial intelligence or machine learning approaches. The best solutions will be awarded with cash prizes up to 8000€!
- Education apps that bring the oceans to life
- Water quality – new intelligence on algal blooms
- Traffic and navigation – improve ship routing or monitor pollution e.g. oil or ballast waste?
- Green energy – use Earth observation data to find wave or wind energy hot spots.
- Research: data visualisations, new ways of combining different types of data, new data analysis models
- Warnings – develop new ways of communicating weather warnings to ocean users?
- Baltic Sea fish stocks – track fish hotspots or fishing activity?
- Marine productivity assessment - near fish farms
- Sea ice – new ways of keeping an eye on the formation and extent of sea ice
- Flood mapping
- Identify plastic pollution hotspots
- Internet of Things (IOT) and combinations of ground sensors to networks
CHALLENGES for IDEATION - find them at the PRE-EVENT "Challenges" subpage.
Join the event in Facebook for all the latest updates.