developer and researcher of IoT, Smart City and telecare technologies. Senior
Researcher at Communication System Research Group, Thomas Johann Seebeck
Department of Electronics, TalTech
Director of the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences at the Estonian University of Life Sciences / Eesti Maaülikooli majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituudi direktor
Head of NCL Innovations at CSIR-NCL, Founder Director of Venture Center. Coordinating the Task Force of Repurposing of Drugs for COVID19 for the Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India
Dr. Rajendra Jagdale
Director General and CEO of Science and Technology Park
Dr. Robinson Mugo
Project Manager, SERVIR at Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD)
Chief Specialist of Chemical and Biological Food Safety Bureau at Republic of Estonia Ministry of Rural Affairs / Maaeluministeeriumi toidu keemilise ja bioloogilise ohutuse büroo peaspetsialist
Systems architect at Milrem Robotics, IT industry veteran, system engineering adviser at ESTCube-2, supervisory board member at Estonian Student Satellite Foundation
Associate Professor and Senior Researcher at TalTech (food hygiene and safety, microbiology) / TalTech dotsent (toiduhügieen ja -ohutus, mikrobioloogia)
experience in urban planning with focus on climate adaptation, sustainable
mobility, nature-based solutions, socio-economic impact assessment and
cost-benefit analysis
Belss LTD military advisor, One of the creators of the National Defence Academy of Latvia, Habilitated Doctor of Engineering, Head of the NAF Joined Headquarter 2000-2004, President of Latvian Shooting Federation
Karoli Hindriks
Member of the Advisory Board of AccelerateEstonia, Founder at Jobbatical.com
Chief Specialist of the Food Chemical and Biosafety Bureau of the Food Safety Department at Republic of Estonia Ministry of Rural Affairs / Maaeluministeeriumi toiduohutuse osakonna toidu keemilise ja bioloogilise ohutuse büroo peaspetsialist
Katrin Kiviselg
B2B sales for startups. Partner in Northstar Consulting Group. Sales coaching.
Head of bureau of the general food requirements of the Food Safety department at Republic of Estonia Ministry of Rural Affairs / Maaeluministeeriumi toiduohutuse osakonna toidu üldnõuete büroo juhataja
Executive Mentor/ Partner at Baltic Hospitality FORUM/NU7 Strategy Coaches and Executors | Founding Member at Estonian Chamber of Mentors | Member of the Supervisory Board at Tallinn Port