1. Flubr - Education social network to allow allow people to discover and apply for educational opportunities.
2. Riddle Box - Puzzle game with series objects that have a number of physical mechanisms on them and that player needs to open. Gamificiation of open data game.
3. Where Does My Taxes Go - Mobile solution where the taxes have gone. Meieraha.eu clone-iteration.
4. Outdoor billboard & human interaction map - Service to trace and monitor people around the specific billboards. Existing API based service to analyze 4sq, twitter and other social media feeds.
5. Patronage - Selecting a transport that is not overcrowded. Opportunity to show users to show how many people are on bus where and when to avoid.
6. HelpMate - An mobile app to help user to avoid dangers in the city based on the criminal data of the district.
7. Salary Analytics - Tool to analyze/benchamrk your salary data, free for personal use and in-depth analytics.
8. CityDash - Aggregate different open data about the city. For Sunday build MVP only about some domains like crime and ecology.
9. Mazdardini Urban Gardens - Platform for urban garden owners to engage younger generation using gamification elements to promote green and healthy lifestyle.
10. Witt - Loyalty cards in one mobile application and an offer feed for Riga. Need all kind of developers but has tons of same things done already.
11. WIPT - Where is a public transport. Place to show where a public transport is. Like soiduplaan.tallinn.ee In MVP they want people with devices like phone to broadcast the signal to server.
12. GiftAdviser - An application/website that recommends what to give to as a present to specific person based on that persons responses
13. Homaps - An application that finds the suitable home location to foreign students.
14. Atrodiman.lv - An app to find a new apartment and show its locations.
15. Kid-UUID - An application that recommends a name for the child according to statistics, frequency etc.
16. Grand Ripoff Riga Edition - Game based on real statistics of Riga, a web based HTML5 strategy game like Monopoly, but based on real life.
17. Science Books - A recommendation engine to discover books and journals based on what you have read already.
18. Needpee - Mobile app-service that shows the location for the nearest public toilet based on crowdsourcing and open data. Price monitoring for paid toilets.
19. Black Riga - A game where a person needs to run from different dangerous buildings.
20. Roguelike stategy board game - Open data driven board game taking place in Riga.
21. The Best School - Using people to help parents to choose the best school for their children based on open data. Create a score rating for the schools in different areas.
22. Fun Open Data - Citizens do not know about the availabilty of open data and what a person can do with that. The idea during weekend is to create a quiz that shows the fun aspects of the open data. Fun = interesting for common citizens.