Garage48 Wellbeing Vol 2 Work Ability / Heaolutalgud Vol 2 Töövõime

When 4-5 May, 2018

Where Tallinn, Estonia

  • Overview
  • Agenda
  • Get Ready
  • *******scroll down for English******
    *******ниже информация на русском******

    Kutsume Sind osalema 24h kestvale arendusmaratonile, et luua uuenduslikke lahendusi vähenenud töövõimega inimeste tööturul osalemiseks!

    Soovime luua innovaatilisi ja nutikaid lähenemisviise, mis võimaldavad:

    👉 kohandada olemasoleva töökeskkonna sobivaks vähenenud töövõimega inimesele;

    👉 vähenenud töövõimega inimesel leida hõlpsamini üles endale sobiv töö;

    👉 lihtsustada tööandja ja tööotsija omavahelist suhtlust;

    👉 toetada ja nõustada tööandjaid vähenenud töövõimega töötajaga suhtlemisel ning tööelu korraldamisel;

    Heaolutalgud vol 2 Töövõime 24h kestev intensiivne töötuba, mis toimub Tallinnas, SEB innovatsioonikeskuses 4. ja 5. mail.

    Kõik osalejad saavad pakkuda välja erinevaid ideid ja lahendusi ning neid edasi arendada. Parimate ideede juurde moodustuvad tiimid, millega saavad liituda kõik, kellele idee meeldib. Mentorite, struktureeritud tiimitöö, teostusplaani ja moderaatori abiga valideeritakse Heaolutalgutel kõige huvitavamad ülesandepüstitused, pakutakse välja lahendused ja tehakse esimesed sammud, et lahendused jõuaksid ka elluviimiseni. Kindlasti jõutakse parimate ideedega ka prototüübi arendamiseni - selleks on kohapeal abiks meie tehnilised mentorid.

    24h lõppedes esitlevad kõik meeskonnad oma ideed uuesti žüriile, valitakse välja parimad ja toimub autasustamine.



    Toitlustus ja kõik muu, mis vajalik mõtete hoogsaks lennuks, on olemas kogu 24 tunni  jooksul.

    Talgud toimuvad eesti keeles, kuid osalema on oodatud ka inglise- ja vene keelt kõnelevad huvilised - moderaatori, mentorite ja teiste osalejate toetusel pole eesti keele mitte oskamine takistuseks.

    Heaolutalgud toimuvad Euroopa Liidu Sotsiaalfondi toetusel.

    Üritust viivad läbi Garage48, Civitta ja Sotsiaalministeerium.


    Welcome to Garage48 Wellbeing Vol 2 Work Ability!

    The aim of Garage48 Wellbeing Vol 2 Work Ability is to encourage participants to propose and validate new ideas for Estonian wellbeing with the help of mentors in making the life of Estonians better. For this reason, Garage48, Civitta Estonia and The Ministry of Social Affairs have come together, to organize a 24h development marathon in order to find new solutions in the work market to fit the needs of those with lessened workability.

    Garage48 Wellbeing Vol 2 Work Ability will come together to find and create clever new ways for the people with lessened workability to

    • 👉Find new and interesting job openings;

    • 👉Find ways to participate in the work market by making few adjustments in traditional workplaces;

    • 👉Communicate better with an employer and employee with some special requirements

    • 👉Educate an employer better about the challenges they are facing when trying to fit a new employee with lessened workability into traditional working place

    We mark down the problems and challenges that are most popular and after forming teams and some help from the mentors, hopefully, we will find a solution.

    Garage48 Wellbeing Vol 2 Work Ability is intended for anybody who is interested and wants to contribute to better working conditions and more options for the people with reduced work ability. That is students, employers, employees with reduced work ability (or those still in search of a job), entrepreneurs, visionaries as well as developers, designers, project managers, marketers - all are welcome.

    Each of the participants would have the chance to present their idea in front of the audience. After the pitches of all ideas, different teams would be formed. Then the teamwork begins! In the end, every group will prepare a presentation and a small pitch to introduce the outcomes of the work to all participants. The best ideas presented will receive special and amazing awards from the jury.

    Hearty food, snacks, and coffee will be provided throughout the day, so just bring your fresh, problem-solving self! 🍜 🍮 🍔 🍕

    Brainstorm and get your ticket for the event here:


    PS! While the event is held in Estonian, not speaking Estonian isn’t going to be a problem on the Garage48 Wellbeing Vol 2 Work Ability because of the extra support by mentors and moderator who are fluent in both of the languages.

    Garage48 Wellbeing Vol 2 Work Ability is organized with the support of European Union European Social Fund.


    Добро пожаловать на Garage48 Благополучие vol 2 Трудоспособность

    Garage48 Благополучие vol 2 Трудоспособность - это 24-часовой воркшоп, который пройдет в Таллинне в Центре Инноваций SEB 4 и 5 мая. Участники определят наиболее острые проблемы и, сформировав команды, будут работать над их решением. Основная цель - вдохновить участников на создание новых идей для улучшения жизни эстонцев и  улучшить работу эстонских служб социального обеспечения.

    Участники Garage48 Благополучие vol 2 Трудоспособность - все, кого интересует улучшение рабочих условий для людей с ограниченными возможностями: студенты, работодатели, работники с ограниченными возможностями, ищущие работу, предприниматели, визионеры, разработчики, дизайнеры, маркетологи…, - приглашены все.

    На Garage48 Благополучие vol 2 Трудоспособность мы хотим разработать инновационные подходы, которые помогут людям, имеющим трудности в трудоустройстве. Например:

    👉 поиск подходящих вакансий

    👉 помощь в адаптации к существующему рынку труда

    👉 лучшая коммуникация между работодателями и работниками, которым необходимы особые условия

    👉информирование работодателей об особенностях, которые необходимо учитывать при найме людей с ограниченными возможностями

    Каждый участник получит возможность презентовать свою идею перед аудиторией и, если идея заинтересовала других, собрать команду. В работе над проектами помогают наставники - специалисты в бизнесе, маркетинге, дизайне, которые знают, как превратить идею в работающий проект. В конце, каждая группа представит свой проект, и лучшие идеи получат специальные призы от жюри.

    Кофе, чай и  перекусы будут доступны на протяжении всего события, ждем только ваши свежие идеи  😊 🍜 🍮 🍔 🍕

    Получи свой билет здесь:


    Основной язык мероприятия - эстонский, но носители русского языка тоже смогут принять участие!

    Garage48 Благополучие vol 2 Трудоспособность организовывают Garage48, Civitta Estonia и Министерство Социальных Дел Эстонии при поддержке Европейского социального фонда Европейского союза.


    With any questions, you can contact Mari +37256677510
    - Scroll down for agenda in English -
    1 PÄEV, reede 4.mai

    17:30 - 18:00 Registreerimine, kohvi & suupisted
    18:00 – 18:10 Ülevaade Heaolutalgudest- Garage48 moderaator
    18:10 - 18:20 Avakõne Rait Kuuse, sotsiaalala asekantsler
    18:20 - 18:30 Tutvustus, kuidas esitleda ideed
    18:30 - 19:30 Ideede esitlemine, "pitching"
    19:30 - 19:45 Kohvipaus
    19:45 - 20:30 Ideede esitlemine jätkub
    20:30 - ....* Meeskondade moodustumine, tiimitöö algab
    *....töötada võib kogu öö

    2 PÄEV, laupäev 5 mai

    09:30 – 10:00 Hommikusöök
    10:00 – 10:25 Minimum Viable Product töötuba
    10:25 – 12:30 Meeskonnatöö I
    12:30 - 13:00 Lõuna
    13:00 - 14:30 Meeskonnatöö II
    14:30 - 15:00 Kuidas esitleda enda ideed? Pitch Training
    15:00 - 17:30 Meeskonnatöö III /Lõpp-prototüübi esitluse ettevalmistamine
    17:30 - 18:00 Kohvipaus ja kerge õhtusöök
    18:00 - 20:00 Finaal- ideede esitlemine ja parimate valimine

    PS! Graafik võib päeva jooksul muutuda:)

    1st DAY, Friday (4th May)

    17:30 - 18:00 Registration, coffee & snacks
    18:00 – 18:10 Opening remarks and introduction to the day by Garage48 host
    18:10 - 18:20 Kickoff speech by Rait Kuuse- Deputy Secretary General on Social Policy
    18:20 - 18:30 Introduction to pitching
    18:30 - 19:30 Pitching of the ideas
    19:30 - 19:45 Coffee break
    19:45 - 20:30 Pitching of ideas continues
    20:30 - ....* Team formation, teamwork begins
    *....Feel free to work all night long!

    2nd DAY, Saturday (5th May)

    09:30 – 10:00 Breakfast
    10:00 – 10:25 Minimum Viable Product Workshop
    10:25 – 12:30 Teamwork I
    12:30 - 13:00 Lunch
    13:00 - 14:30 Teamwork II
    14:30 - 15:00 How to pitch? Pitch training
    15:00 - 17:30 Teamwork III / Preparation of final presentations
    and individual pitch drills
    17:30 - 18:00 Coffee break, light dinner
    18:00 - 20:00 Final presentations, choosing WINNERS

    PS! Schedule is tentative and possible and likely to change:)

    With any questions, you can contact Mari +37256677510

    We'll start on Friday at 17:30 with opening doors. Please come on time, as the registration process might take some time. This time before the official opening is a great opportunity for getting to know the crowd and to network. See the agenda for further information.

    Positive attitude, open mind and lots of energy! Everything you need for a rapid product development.

    Please take your:
    3-5m power extension cord (as power might be on distance),
    mobile phone
    all chargers
    photo camera to take and share photos
    sleeping bag and towel (in case you registered for sleepover at the venue)
    credit cards for domain registration
    business cards (if you have any)


    Ideas are presented based on "elevator-pitch" method within 90 seconds. Event host and the audience can ask 1 to 3 short questions.

    You can prepare 1 (one) PDF slide to support your pitch. You should send the slide by Friday noon, at the e-mail (Subject: name of your project).


    • Describe briefly your background (10 sec)

    • What is the name of the idea (5 sec)

    • What's the idea all about? What is the problem your idea solves? Target user count and description (30 sec)

    • Technical solution and if there is a revenue model (in case of non-profit idea, how the maintenance and further development costs will be covered?) (30 sec)

    • Minimum viable product and plan for 48 hours. Who do you need for the team? (20 sec)

    Look at the guideline and example "how to prepare a good pitch" (SlideShare)

    NB! Practice your pitch to your friends or family before you present! 90 seconds goes really fast!


    After pitching is over, we will put all the ideas on the wall. Every participant will choose their favorite idea and this is how teams will be formed. Usually 10 to 14 best ideas will get enough interested people to get the "green light" for the implementation.

    Average team has about 5 to 7 people and the team should be "balanced" - covering all required roles to get the product/service ready in 24 hours! Minimum size for a team is 4 people and max is 8 people.

    If some ideas get too few people or not balanced teams (probably unable to build the service), the idea will be dumped. Those people should choose another idea/team.


    After forming the teams, organizers will give a room/space for every team for the weekend. You should start by dividing roles, setting the product vision, customer journey and start working right away.

    It is very important that you have a project manager (team lead) in the team - one of his tasks is to keep the focus of the team, one eye on the clock and the other on the team progress. 24 hours is really a short time.

    Food and drinks. We provide breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Friday and Saturday. So, you could focus on work and building your product.

    Mentors. We have arranged mentors to work with the teams throughout the weekend. Some of them are more technical, some more business savvy. Be open and ask for their advice and contacts.

    Please wear your name badge during the whole event, this will help to encourage networking and gets you inside through security guards. Otherwise be open, get to know new people, share your ideas and give ideas/feedback to other teams.

    MOST IMPORTANT - have fun!

    With any questions, you can contact Mari +37256677510


    The Mentors 

    Sabina Trankmann
    Chief Specialist at Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs
    Martin Verrev
    Creative Engineer at Littlebit and lecturer at TalTech
    Tauno Asuja
    Advisor at Estonian Chamber of Disabled People
    Arne Kailas
    Head of Work Ability Policy at Ministry of Social Affairs
    Katharina Skolimowski
    Product Designer @Pipedrive
    Elise Sass
    Advisor at Garage48
    Martin Hanson
    Tööandjate Keskliit
    Peeter Marvet
    Chief Poltergeist Officer at


    Polina Shevchenko
    Project Manager at Garage48

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