Garage48 Cyber Security Kharkiv 2017

When 10-12 November, 2017

Where Kharkiv, Ukraine

  • Overview
  • Agenda
  • Get Ready

    In today's world, we all rely on technology more than we really want to. Therefore it’s important that technology is available, protected and secure. Unfortunately, most technology available is quite vulnerable and can be easily hacked.

    Every year, thousands of cybersecurity problems are identified in technologies from well-known vendors. Some of those vendors are among the best at cybersecurity, yet they still have hundreds of security problems each year. What is most mind-boggling, is the fact, that many of these problems are recurring. 


    The main aim of the  Garage48 Cyber Security hackathon is to find solutions to some of these recurring problems or come up with completely fresh approaches which would take the cybersecurity to the next level. We would also touch upon the topic of Blockchain and its importance when speaking about cyber security. 

    Join us for this weekend-long intensive development event where we will develop working prototypes in 48 hours! Prepare yourself for 48 hours full of hacking, coding, designing, selling and thinking BIG! If you’re ready to create something crazy and innovative, then this is the event for you!

    Top notch mentors will be on hand to help if you have any issues or if you get stuck on working on your prototype.

    Also: it wouldn't be a hackathon without food and drinks, so expect some delicious stuff to keep you going through the weekend! Feel free to turn up and form a team on Friday, but if you'd rather do so in advance, you've got until the start of the event to pick other members of the society to be your fellow hackers.

    WE ARE LOOKING FOR : data scientists, non-technical cybersecurity or data protection professionals, UI/UX designers, front-end developers, back-end developers, marketers, visionaries, experts, marketing gurus and passionate project managers!

    SIGN UP NOW, because the spots are limited!


    The event is organized by Garage48 in partnership with the financial support of Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Fund for Development and Humanitarian Aid.


    В современном мире все мы полагаемся на технологии больше, чем нам бы того хотелось. Поэтому важно, чтобы технологии были доступны, защищены и безопасны. К сожалению, большинство доступных технологий довольно уязвимы и их можно легко взломать.
    Ежегодно в продуктах известных производителей выявляются тысячи проблем кибербезопасности. Некоторые из этих производителей входят в ТОПы экспертов по кибербезопасности, однако ежегодно они сами сталкиваются с сотнями атак. Поражает то, что подобные ситуации повторяются регулярно.
    Основная цель хакатона Garage48 Cyber Security -- найти решения для некоторых из регулярно-повторяющихся проблем, или придумать качественно-новые подходы, которые выведут кибербезопасность на новый уровень. Кроме этого, будет затронута тема Blockchain и его актуальность в контексте кибербезопасности.
    10-12 ноября у вас будет возможность принять участие в уникальном событии, посвященном разработке рабочих прототипов решений по кибербезопасности в течение 48 часов! Вы должны быть готовы к 28 часам взламывания, кодирования, продаж и, главное, будьте готовы think BIG! Если вы достаточно амбициозны, чтобы попробовать создать нечто инновационное и немного сумасшедшее, это событие -- для вас!
    В течение всего хакатона рядом с вами будут находиться менторы, которые подскажут что делать, если вы зашли в тупик, и дадут дельный совет.
    И, конечно, какой же хакатон без угощений? Поддержку ваших сил вкусной едой и напитками мы берем на себя.
    Вы можете прийти к нам с уже сформированной командой, либо собрать ее на самом хакатоне.
    Мы ищем: data scientists, нетехнических специалистов по кибербезопасности, UI/UX дизайнеров, front-end и back-end разработчиков, маркетологов и преданных своему делу PM-ов!
    Регистрируйтесь скорее, пока еще есть слоты на бесплатное участие:!

    Больше деталей:

    Родом из Эстонии и Силиконовой долины, мероприятия Garage48 стали первыми в своем роде в Украине, Латвии, Беларуси и других стремительно-развивающихся странах.
    Мероприятие организовано Garage48 при финансовой поддержке Министерства иностранных дел Эстонии при Фонде развития и гуманитарной помощи.


    Friday, 10th of November
     17:30 - Check-in, networking, coffee, snacks
    18:15 - Opening remarks
     18:45 - Presentation of ideas
    19:45 - Coffee Break
    20:00 - Presentation of ideas continues
    21:00 - Team formation
    22:00 - Team work begins!

    Saturday, 11th of November
    09:00 - Coffee & light breakfast. Development continues
    10:00 - Checkpoint #1
    11:00 - Mentors go around
    13:00 - Lunch
    13:45 - Product development
    19:00 - Dinner
    19:45 - Product development
    20:00 - Checkpoint #2. Development continues

    Sunday, 12th of November
    09:00 - Coffee & light breakfast. Development continues
    10:00 - Checkpoint #3
    11:00 - Pitch drill session #1
    13:00 - Lunch
     14:00 - Pitch drill session #2
    17:00 - Coffee break with light meal/snacks
    17:30 - Final event & LIVE stream
    20:00 - Winners & networking

    We'll start on Friday at 17:30 with opening doors. Please come on time, as the registration process might take some time. This time before the official opening is a great opportunity for getting to know the crowd and to network. See the agenda for further information.
    Positive attitude, open mind and lots of energy! Everything you need for a rapid product development.

    Please take your:
    3-5m power extension cord (as power might be on distance),
    mobile phone
    all chargers
    photo camera to take and share photos
    sleeping bag and towel (in case you registered for sleepover at the venue)
    credit cards for domain registration
    business cards (if you have any)


    Ideas are presented based on "elevator-pitch" method within 90 seconds. Event host and audience can ask 1 to 3 short questions.

    You can prepare 1 (one) PDF slide to support your pitch. You should send the slide by Friday noon, at the e-mail (Subject: name of your project).


    • Describe briefly your background (10 sec)

    • What is the name of the idea (5 sec)

    • What's the idea all about? What is the problem your idea solves? Target user count and description (30 sec)

    • Technical solution and if there is a revenue model (in case of non-profit idea, how the maintenance and further development costs will be covered?) (30 sec)

    • Minimum viable product and plan for 48 hours. Who do you need for the team? (20 sec)

    Look at the guideline and example "how to prepare a good pitch" (SlideShare)

    NB! Practice your pitch to your friends or family before you present! 90 seconds goes really fast!


    After pitching is over, we will put all the ideas on the wall. Every participant will choose their favorite idea and this is how teams will be formed. Usually 10 to 14 best ideas will get enough interested people to get the "green light" for the implementation.

    Average team has about 5 to 7 people and the team should be "balanced" - covering all required roles like necessary engineers, designer, a project manager (team lead/visionary), and marketer in order to get the product/service ready in 48 hours! Minimum size for a team is 4 people and max is 8 people.

    If some ideas get too few people or not balanced teams (probably unable to build the service), the idea will be dumped. Those people should choose another idea/team.


    After forming the teams, organizers will give a room/space for every team for the weekend. You should start by dividing roles, setting the product vision, customer journey and start working right away.

    It is very important that you have a project manager (team lead) in the team - one of his tasks is to keep the focus of the team, one eye on the clock and the other on the team progress. 48 hours is really a short time.

    Food and drinks. We provide breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and Sunday. So, you could focus on work and building your product.

    Mentors. We have arranged mentors to work with the teams throughout the weekend. Some of them are more technical, some more business savvy. Be open and ask for their advice and contacts.

    Please wear your name badge during the whole event, this will help to encourage networking and gets you inside through security guards. Otherwise be open, get to know new people, share your ideas and give ideas/feedback to other teams.

    MOST IMPORTANT - have fun!



    The Mentors 

    Calum Cameron
    CEO of DP Innovation Labs and Edasi Labs
    Joseph Carson
    Chief Security Scientist at Thycotic
    Ragnar Sass
    Founder and CEO at Salto Network, Co-founder at Pipedrive, Founder at Lift99
    Liis Narusk
    CEO at ELEVATE by Garage48
    Julia Shaptala
    Director at WebSpellChecker LLC
    Andrus Padar
    Head of Technology Department of Estonian Information System Authority and Volunteer of Estonian Cyber Defence League
    Bohdan Skriabin
    Researcher at Distributed Lab


    Viliyana Mutafova
    Project Manager at Garage48

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